What is a Project?

A Project is where all the information related to the company or entity that will use the authentication and validation services generated by Verifik is stored. This is done to ensure that your brand is represented correctly when using Verifik's services.

How to create a Project?

To create a project, you must use the Create Project API. This API is a POST request that requires us to provide, at a minimum, the name and the countries where the project will take effect. Below is an example body with the previously mentioned information to create a project with minimal data:



Body with minimal data

  "name": "Example",
  "allowedCountries": [

We can also create more robust projects where we can add contact information, Terms & Conditions, and emails for legal matters. Additionally, we can configure brand colors and add the company logo. Here is an example of a project body created with all the required information.

Body with full data

  "branding": {
    "bgColor": "#ffffff",
    "borderColor": "#B2BDD3",
    "txtColor": "#212121",
    "titleColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "logo": "<https://cdn.verifik.co/projects/Inmobu-ValidaciónDeIdentidad_1702305468459-image.jpeg>"
  "allowedCountries": [
  "name": "Ejemplo Documentacion Verifik",
  "contactEmail": "[email protected]",
  "privacyUrl": "<https://docs.verifik.co/docs/terminos-condiciones/ftxz1gulcjg3y-manual-de-politicas-de-privacidad-y-procedimientos-para-la-proteccion-tratamiento-de-datos-personales-y-atencion-de-solicitudes-consultas-y-reclamos>",
  "termsAndConditionsUrl": "<https://docs.verifik.co/docs/terminos-condiciones/04z7dktljn54j-terminos-y-condiciones-del-uso-de-los-servicios-del-aplicativo-verifik>",
  "dataProtection": {
    "name": "Verifik",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "address": "KR 7 # 33 - 42",
    "address2": null,
    "city": "Bogota",
    "country": "Colombia",
    "postalCode": "111631"

Here are some considerations:


All colors are received in hexadecimal format. Additionally, in the following image, you will find guidance on which area of the user interface each color parameter refers to:

